GIUSEPPE SCAGLIARINI is a USA-based lawyer admitted in the states of New York and Rhode Island and practicing among others in the areas of U.S. Immigration Law, International Business Law, International Corporate Law, International Commercial Law and International Intellectual Property Law.
Attorney Giuseppe Scagliarini speaks fluent Italian and English and assists small, medium and large businesses and qualified individuals in many of their international law needs including: Obtaining Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Visas to live and work in the United States of America, Completing International Business Transactions, Enterprise Branching and Relocation, International Contract Negotiation, International Disputes Resolution, Direct Foreign Investment, and Assistance with all kinds of U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Petitions and Applications.
Our offices can assist businesses and qualified individuals in obtaining all types of U.S. visas, including visas for Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Multinational Managers and Executives, Athletes, Artists and Entertainers, and Spouses and Fiancées of US Citizens. We emphasize a comprehensive approach to the legal problems of our clients and offer strategic planning to deliver effective solutions to our clients’ needs.
We make an effort to develop a strong relationship with each of our clients. We are accessible: we return most messages within 24 hours. We treat you with respect and personal attention: no matter what your situation is, you will be treated with dignity and respect, and you will receive the personal attention that your case deserves. We disclose our fees: we do our best to provide cost-effective solutions to our clients and we fully disclose our fee structure at the beginning of the relationship.
Giuseppe has been amazing, during the past 7 years, I have received three O-1 Visas and 1 EB-2 NIW approval, with his help and professional support. I will always recommend him to everybody who needs an immigration lawyer. He is precise, detailed, extremely meticulous and he gets things done. He was really precious and I am grateful I found him.
- L.G., Musician, Songwriter and Composer
La devo ringraziare sentitamente! Il merito e’ soprattutto suo, che e’ riuscito a creare il caso e lo ha presentato perfettamente. Tutti gli avvocati che avevo sentito in questi anni mi avevano solo proposto EB2 con Perm, oppure di tentare EB1, che probabilmente sarebbe stato (negato).
- Client Letter Upon Receipt of EB-2 NIW Approval
I want to express my deep respect to attorney Giuseppe Scagliarini. My family and I hired Giuseppe to assist us in obtaining a Green Card. The case was extremely complex, under many profiles. Giuseppe lead us in this battle, through documents, offices, pandemic, translations, audits, and much more. I appreciated his wisdom, his acume in finding solutions time by time. And his kindness too. In the end, we managed to get the Green card for me, my wife and my two kids. Giuseppe, you are a terrific attorney, and we’ll always be grateful to you.
- F.S., Rome, Italy
Caro Giuseppe, Ce l’ho fatta! Ce l’abbiamo fatta! Perché senza di te tutto questo percorso sarebbe stato infinitamente più duro e perché tutto è partito con te e ti devo un’ enorme riconoscenza! Ho sudato freddo ma l’intervista è andata bene! E mercoledì ho la cerimonia di giuramento. Non mi sembra vero… Sette anni da quando ho deciso di intraprendere questo percorso… Dal profondo del cuore davvero grazie, del sostegno, del tuo aiuto e della tua umanità! E ci sarà ancora modo di sentirci e spero non soltanto per lavoro. Intanto GRAZIE e un abbraccio strabordante di felicità dalla West Coast
- F.I.
Dear Giuseppe, I wanted to thank you again for your endless attention to my case, your eye for detail and heartfelt guidance. You are a true asset to my team and I wanted to express sincere gratitude to you.
- O-1 Visa Applicant
Il mio visto J-1 era a rischio di essere rifiutato ex Ina 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(ii) ma grazie ad un memorandum preparato con i fiocchi dall'avvocato Scagliarini, il visto e' stato accettato al primo colpo - senza bisogno di alcun tipo di waiver! La ringrazio ancora moltissimo!
- // Fabio
Egr. Avv. Scagliarini, Le scrivo per confermare la splendida notizia che il mio visto IR-1 e' stato approvato e ho ritirato ieri il passaporto! Le saro' per sempre grato per la Sua assistenza legale che si e' dimostrata ancora una volta essenziale per il successo di questa nuova richiesta di visto. Grazie anche a nome di mia moglie e di tutta la famiglia! Grazie ancora per il Suo aiuto assolutamente vitale! LL
- Immigrant Visa Approved in London
Buongiorno, Volevo informarla che al colloquio hanno approvato la nostra richiesta. Mi è stato detto che entro 30 giorni circa dovrebbe arrivare la green card. La ringraziamo molto per l'aiuto professionale che ci ha fornito e siamo felici che sia andato tutto a buon fine. Cordiali saluti,
- Camilla
I could not thank enough Mr. Scagliarini. He followed and supported our path to a green card that lasted 8 years with many difficulties and obstacles finding always the right solution for us to keep going. It is very hard to find an immigration lawyer that is professional, has a deep and updated knowledge of the immigration law in US and he is also always available in case of need. Receiving today that approval of the green card has been a success that I definitely share with Mr. Scagliarini. Grazie F.C., Phoenix AZ
Avvocato Scagliarini, Anche noi ci teniamo a ringraziarla in anticipo, per essere stato fin da subito realista e fiducioso, puntuale ad ogni nostra richiesta, professionale ma soprattutto corretto. Non avremmo potuto scegliere migliore avvocato. Nell'attesa di ricevere l'esito della nostra richiesta le auguriamo Buone Feste.
- V.P.
Gentile avvocato Scagliarini, La ringrazio per la sua gentilezza e mi complimento con lei per la sua professionalità e celerità con cui ha sostenuto la consulenza in oggetto. Abbiamo scritto una mail in ambasciata e domani ci faranno avere maggiori informazioni soprattutto quelle inerenti il passaporto! La terrò aggiornata non appena avremo maggiori notizie. (...) In attesa di ciò le porgo i miei più cordiali saluti e le auguro una felice giornata! A presto,
- LS
19 Maggio 2022 Buongiorno Avvocato, volevo avvisarla che l’altro ieri mi hanno rilasciato il Visto E1 richiesto dopo aver fatto l’intervista all’Ambasciata. Grazie ancora per il supporto e la grande professionalità A presto, L.T.
- F.G. - E-1 Visa Applicant in Rome, Italy
Gentile Avvocato, Tutto bene, il colloquio è stato proprio una formalità. Tre domande in piedi davanti allo sportello: siete sposati? Che lavoro farà? Ha esperienza in questo lavoro? La ringrazio per il risultato e per il lavoro che ha svolto con grande professionalità. Come le avevo anticipato sono andata alla Fontana di Trevi, Roma è sempre una bella città. Cordiali saluti F.G.
- F.G. - E-1 Visa Applicant in Rome, Italy
Dear Giuseppe, I’ve had a rough path when it comes to immigration lawyers. Many let downs, complicated cases and lack of attention. Finally I decided to enquire about a possible E1 visa with your firm and since the first meeting I felt the attention that my case deserved. You guided me the right way and made me understand how the process worked. Even with the difficult times that the American Immigration process is facing now, you were able to assist me the fastest way possible with the approval of my E1 Visa. Thank you so much for the assistance. Your knowledge and, most importantly, passion towards the law is what makes your firm the best I’ve worked with. My best,
- Nicola - E-1 Visa Applicant in Rome, Italy
Dear Giuseppe, Such wonderful news! After a long journey this moment finally arrived, _________ and I can start a new chapter of our life together. This is like a dream come true! We want to deeply thank you for your precious help and your professionalism. It was great pleasure meeting you and being supported by your perfect guidance. The Consulate has not contacted me yet, I will wait for their email or your updates, if any, regarding the attempt to resume the processing of the K-1 visa. We hope that life will reserve to both you and Rosanna the best. You help people like me to change their lives for the better. With graditude, THANK YOU.
- Immigrant Waiver Applicant / K-1 VIsa
“L’avv Scagliarini si è preso a cuore il nostro caso con rara umanità e con competenza e precisione è riuscito ad ottenere con una sola mail l’agognato visto F1 che attendevamo inutilmente da tre settimane, bloccato da non precisate ragioni burocratiche senza riuscire ad avere alcuna notizia dal consolato. Rapido, competente ed efficace ci ha tolto da una situazione molto difficile comprendendo anche le difficoltà e il disagio di un ragazzo appena ventenne a cui era stato revocato il visto a seguito di un DUI, tra l’altro dichiarato illegittimo. Grazie Avv. Scagliarini”
Avvocato Grazie! Ce l'abbiamo fatta!!! la mia intervista è durata si e no 2 minuti. Veramente solo 5 domande.Visto approvato!!!!! La ringrazio di cuore per la sua disponibilità umana, per la sua professionalità, per il suo lavoro preziosissimo. Ringrazi anche la sua assistente. Non mancherò di fare il suo nome a chiunque dovesse avere bisogno di un avvocato che si occupi di visti e immigrazione. Mi sento finalmente sollevata e felice. Spero di poterla invitare ad uno showcase promozionale del disco non appena pronto. A presto Buona giornata ??? Letizia
- Letizia Gambi, O-1 Visa Applicant
Thanks so much Giuseppe, I am always very impressed from how effective and fast your support is. I read the response from the Embassy in Naples and this is a good piece of news! Hopefully we will be able to close our visa process soon. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day.
- Applicant for Immigrant Waiver in Connection with K-1 Visa Application
Dear Mr. Scagliarini, I have just received this instant the telephone call from the Consulate that I had been waiting for so anxiously. The visa will be issued. Unfortunately, I will miss the important meeting scheduled for tomorrow that I had hoped to attend, but at least (...) this will not happen again in the future. Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely,
- Applicant for Nonimmigrant Waiver of Admissibility (Name Withheld).
In my quest to be able to work in United States, after failing to obtain a H1-B visa with other attorneys, I was introduced to Giuseppe and Rosanna by a satisfied client of them. Giuseppe interviewed me and found the right Visa for me, listening and understanding the situation. They helped and supported during all the process, filing an E-1 Visa Application for me, and made it as much as stress free as possible. Giuseppe assisted in all follow-up correspondence with the Consulate and even clarified what additional documents I should bring with me at the interview. Top notch professionals, always kind and helpful, I definitely recommend them and will go back to them in case of need.
- Andrea Iacucci Ostini
Carissimo Giuseppe, Oggi ho ricevuto da te la splendida notizia dell'approvazione della nostra petizione per l'ottenimento della green card Eb1(a) "Alien with extraodinary Ability" Io, e la mia famiglia siamo stati molto fortunati ad aver incontrato (su Internet) un professionista così attento, valido e qualificato come tu ti sei rivelato durante l'assistenza che ci hai fornito. Sei sempre stato onesto sulle prospettive e le probabilità di riuscita dell'impresa e non ci hai mai illuso, non solo ma hai anche saputo spronarci ad assumere l'attegiamento psicologico giusto nell'affrontare la cosa. Hai saputo a nostro avviso selezionare e sintetizzare al meglio tutta la documentazione che ti abbiamo inviato e l'hai presentata ed esposta con maestria e dovizia di particolari. Ogni argomentazione è stata poi da te evidenziata con riferimenti giuridici inerenti e precisi così da poter limitare le possibilità di replica negativa da parte dell'esaminatore della pratica. Insomma MEGLIO NON POTEVAMO CAPITARE!!! Presto Io e la mia famiglia ci trasferiremo negli USA e siamo certi che con questa tua performance da professionista serio e da amico (ormai possiamo dire di essere diventati anche amici no?) ti sei guadagnato il posto di legale rappresentante in USA della nostra famiglia, in futuro per qualsiasi cosa siamo sicuri che presso il tuo studio troveremo sempre il consiglio e la consulenza migliore possibile. Con Affetto e grande riconoscenza, Marco & Liliana Marzocca Cuni, Roma, Italia
- Marco Marzocca e Liliana Bula
It is my pleasure to share with you my experience working with Giuseppe upon obtaining my Permanent Resident Card. My wife and I met at the university in Boston and decided to get married a few years after. Giuseppe was recommended to us by a family member, and broke down the process of getting a visa, and the importance of providing evidence of faithful marriage. Giuseppe was very effective and sharp in terms of building a strong case and identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses. He always followed up with emails and put us in the best condition to show up at the interview. He was present during the interview and reassured me and my wife throughout the process, telling us to just be ourselves. A few minutes after the interview, my application was approved and I received my green card a week following the interview. Overall, I would highly recommend using Giuseppe's service as he is very knowledgable, precise, professional and yet personable and truly cares about his clients.
- Baptiste and Stefanie
Abbiamo utilizzato i servizi dell'Avv. Scagliarini nel corso dell'anno 2011 e 2012. Inizialmente ci ha supportato egregiamente nella richiesta di un visto L1A in quanto l'azienda in Italia di cui ero Presidente era stata acquistata a un'azienda Americana e personalmente trasferito negli USA. In questa fase ci e stata molto utile la Sua esperienza e i Suoi consigli per ottenere in tempi rapidi e addirittura senza alcuna richiesta da parte dell'ufficio immigrazione di ulteriore documentazione il visto. Puntuale e preciso, ci siamo trovati veramente molto bene. Successivamente si e creata una situazione di emergenza e il supporto dell'avv. Scagliarini e' stato ancora piu cruciale ed importante, riuscendo a risolvere in modo egregio, rapido e puntuale la nostra situazione e facendoci ottenere un visto E2 da noi molto agognato. Non posso che suggerire a chiunque ma ovviamente maggiormente a chi proviene dall'Italia data la facilita' di linguaggio, di utilizzare l'Avv. Scagliarini specialmente perche per esperienza diretta il processo di immigrazione USA pur funzionando molto bene ha bisogno di essere capito e conosciuto molto bene. Non posso che ringraziare a nome mio e di mia moglie l'avv. Scagliarini per tutto il supporto e per averci risolto una situazione che a noi sembrava molto complicata. Grazie ancora
- F.C.
Dear Mr. Scagliarini, I would like to thank you for a job well done. My Green Card Petition has been approved and I am so thrilled. Not only have you offered sound professional advice, but also provided a warm person to person assistance. I particulalrly appreciated how easily I could get in touch with you and how timely your answers were. Your presence at the Interview was an extra bonus...with a Guardian Angel physically beside us what could go wrong? Thank you again and God Bless.
- G.S.
Dear Joe, I know how much time you have devoted to helping us obtain the visa. Phew, it is finally done. Thank you so much for you patience. (...) Well, it is done. I hope I won't have to wait five years before seeing you. I for one will probably be back East in September. I'd love to take you out for a good lunch. Many Thanks. Appreciatively,
- F. P.
I'm so happy! Thank you Giuseppe! For your representation and services, I'm so pleased I had you with me on this journey. I do feel very reflective and grateful. I think of my parents bringing me here at a young age and how my life would not be what it is today if I weren't here in this country I have the privilege of calling home. You and Rosanna's names will live on in our home for years to come as we tell [our son] his birth story. Thank you!
- A.O.
Caro Giuseppe, ce l'abbiamo fatta! Volevo ringraziarti per tutto quello che hai fatto per me, per aver preso a cuore il mio caso, per la serietà e l'impegno. Il 28/04 dovrei essere a Newport, quindi avrò modo di ringraziarti di persona. Grazie ancora per tutto. Un abbraccio.
- Modesto
Dear Giuseppe, We have finally obtained E-2 visas for all the family. I wanted to thank you for all your professional assistance, which was of great help not only in securing approval of our visa application, but also in all the various phases of the long negotiations necessary to acquire the U.S. Business. Your competence and your advice were always priceless, and allowed us to see to completion an extremely complex transaction. Following your directives, and thanks to all the work performed before we even applied for our investor visas, we were able to undertake the consular interview with ease and peace of mind, and without any surprises. We are now ready to start our new life in the United States! Thanks for everything you did for us!
- Alfredo and Daniela
Dear Giuseppe, I have just come back from the Consulate. Everything went well, and the Consulate issued the visa without a problem. I must confess that I was a little worried since the Consul denied the applications of to the two people in line in front of me. On the contrary, I was not asked a single question because the documents that we submitted were abundantly clear. They did not ask any questions about my prior overstay either, we never even started the conversation. They took my fingerprints and in a minute I was outside with my visa stamp. I wanted to thank you for all the work that you performed for me preparing all the supporting documents perfectly, and because you have always been of great help.
- F.M., E-2 visa applicant at the U.S. Consulate General in Milan, Italy
Dear Giuseppe, I just would like to thank you for helping me to get closer to my dream of fulfilling myself personally and professionally in this lovely country by assisting me in obtaining my H-1B visa. I cannot overestimate the importance of your help, professional and personal support which I’ve experienced throughout the immigration process. Your skillfulness and motivation reassured me in high probability of positive outcome, even if sometimes situation looked unfavorable to me. Thanks to your ability to overcome those obstacles I’ve received the desired visa approval. I would sincerely recommend your services for anyone’s immigration needs. Kind Regards,
- Roman Skorik
Dear Attorney Scagliarini: I have just come back from my trip to the USA: a fantastic experience! By receiving a prestigious international award, I finally could bring to fruition the efforts and sacrifices of a year of hard work. All this seemed impossible until a few months ago when, due to a youthful indiscretion, I was denied the right to travel to the Untied States, so important for my professional standing. Due to the complexities of U.S. Immigration Law, I feared that my young but already promising career (as a Medical Researcher) had reached a dead end. Instead, after a diligent search for records and information performed under your representation and guidance, I could obtain what I did not dare to hope anymore (a business visa for unlimited entries to the United States). Now I feel that having overcome these difficulties will be an additional motivating factor in everything I do. All this would not have been possible without the professionalism, availability, and efforts that you systematically showed in every aspect of my representation. Thank you.
- (Name withheld upon request)
Dear Joe and Rosanna! Thank you so much - your help made all the difference. I just want to thank you again for all your help and work your did for us. Antoni got his green card and he is coming to the U.S. in August. You did miracles for us. I can't find more words to thank you both enough... Sincerely
- Anna Piechowska, New Jersey
Dear Joe, We want to thank you for all your help and support, and all the work you did for us!!!! We appreciate very much!!! Thank you again.
- D.P., A.P. and the rest of the thankful family!!! (Received upon approval of second waiver of inadmissibility)
Hello Joe! I just want to let you know that the interview for permanent residence went smoothly and was very successful! I got the stamp in my passport and our home address was changed by the officer (who was a very nice lady). Thank you for all your pointers regarding the interview. They were extremely helpful. I will contact you when I receive the card in mail in the next to weeks or so. Thank you so much for all your help throughout this process!
- Anna Kobylanska Newport, RI, USA
I read your mail with tears in my eyes...Thank you so very much.. God bless you!!! I will forever be grateful for this and will definitely be willing to do business with you again if need be,maybe for my citizenship.. Thank you once again!!
- (Name Withheld Upon Request) Boston, MA
Thank you!!! I can’t find words to say thanks enough for all the help and support we got from Joe Scagliarini. Last year our world ended when my sister’s green card was denied. I called Mr. Scagliarini and asked for advice. I was asking for a miracle and he made it happen!!! He wrote a (petition for a) waiver which was granted in Vienna and my sister and my nieces are coming to the U.S.A. in two weeks. Words hardly seem enough to express our thanks for all his help. I met a lot of lawyers looking for advice and help, but nobody was so professional and caring like Joe and his staff (special thanks to Rosanna!). He always answered my calls, even from Italy where he was on vacation. He never left me with unanswered questions. Thank you for everything, for reuniting my family. Thank you again. You are the best lawyer anybody could ever ask for! Sincerely,
- Anna Piechowska, N.J. Wieslawa Plotka, Danuta, Antoni, Karolina and Patryoja Pelinko , Poland
Dear Mr. Scagliarini, Have a great day! This is to inform you that I already have my visa approved. I want to congratulate you & your office for a job well done! I'll be preparing again for the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar that I have to undergo hopefully this month in Manila. I'll keep you posted. Thank you & May God bless you all! Respectfully yours,
- Maria
Dear Mr. Scagliarini, Dario sends his thanks for your time today. When we spoke first on Friday, I described it to Dario as a little hole of light surrounded by darkness that opened - where we need to focus our energy to make bigger. Dario described it as finding the X and now it is up to us to start digging. I feel comfortable that Dario was able to speak with you in Italian so that he understands his options completely. This case will take time but I will let you know if and when we arrive in full light.
- M.D., New Jersey, USA
I really want to say thank you to Mr. Scagliarini for helping me to get my H-1 B Visa. His precious and careful support was priceless. I am happy to have trusted him for something so important for my life and so difficult to get.
- Alberto Achilli, Piacenza, Italy
Dear Joe, Words hardly seem enough to express our heartfelt thanks for all your help and support up through and through our interview. Your knowledge of immigration law and procedure, along with your attention to detail and calming competence made filing the (immigrant petition) a positive experience. You always made very clear and easy to understand what you needed from us, for when, and most importantly why. You answered every question we had in a timely manner with patience and compassion. Never once did we feel overlooked or as if our case did not matter. Joe, as you said after our interview - between all our smiles, tears of joy and hugs, "now you two really get to begin your lives together and really get to make those dreams you talked about come true." Yes, we do get to make our dreams come true - because of your professional and yet caring services. You will always have our highest regards and recommendations. And I know that we will always have your information at hand for others we may come across that asks us "who should we turn to?" With our sincere thanks and appreciation,
- Lalu and Laura, North Kingstown, RI
Good Morning Attorney Scagliarini, I am writing to inform you that the immigrant visa interview went well as well as the medical examination. The Doctor raised some issues with (my brother's) health, but in the end he was able to assist us. We all received immigrant visas, to be used within six months of approval. Within this period we will have to enter the U.S. and surrender the sealed envelopes that were issued to us by the U.S. Embassy in Naples. Everything looks OK and we should received the actual green cards shortly after our entry... I wanted to thank you for assisting us in this process and for believing in us and seeing this difficult case to a successful outcome. I hope one day to be able to thank you in person. Kind regards,
- Elisabetta Micco, Villa Verrucchio, Rimini, Italy
Dear Giuseppe, Thank you for the outstanding work performed by you and your staff on our behalf. I truly appreciate the attention doted on my wife Yesenia. I was honestly expecting a denial of her waiver petition since the U.S. Embassy in Rome had been sitting on the application without any action for a prolonged period of time. After waiting for an answer for approximately nine months, we decided to contact an attorney expert in U.S. Immigration law. In my opinion, Attorney Giuseppe Scagliarini has been extremely professional and kind in all his dealings with us, in one month he obtained the approval of my wife’s waiver and we just received notice of approval of her visa from the U.S. Embassy in Rome. Emanuele and Yesenia extend heartfelt thanks to Attorney Giuseppe Scagliarini.
- Emanuele Della Casa e Yesenia Matos, Viterbo, Italy
Dear Joe, When Mario and I first started the immigration process after we were married we didn’t realize how long, frustrating, and expensive it was going to be. After a long first year with a bad lawyer and no progress, Mario and I were about to throw in the towel. It wasn’t until we met you that we saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to a mutual friend, we were introduced to you and our hope that seemed lost was reborn again. Even from the first time we met, you genuinely seemed concerned about our situation and wanted to help us. You were honest and direct yet always optimistic. You always had time for us whether it via e-mail, by phone, or in person and you honestly made us feel that we were your only clients. We also greatly appreciated the fact that you took into account our financial situation and set us up with a payment plan. Even though the process took longer than any of us anticipated the outcome was what we all hoped for and my husband is now home with his family, this time as a legal resident. Thank you so much Joe and your lovely wife Rita for all your hard work and positive thinking to help reunite my family and to give Mario the opportunity to live the American Dream. Without you it would never have happened. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
- Kerri, Mario, and Neil, Newport, RI, U.S.A.
Dear Mr. Scagliarini, It's so nice to hear that the petition has been approved. I'm thankful that God's favor is with us. With how things work, it's just amazing! I'm also thankful that God sent us a hardworking lawyer like you. Congratulations to you too, I believe our success is yours too, as we are helping each other in this process. Thank you & know that you are in my prayers. God bless!!!
- Maria T. Comargo, Manila, Philippines
Dear Joe: Just let you know that I was told in the embassy in London yesterday that my application has been approved. It turns out that the last guy I saw was from Pittsburgh .... and of course he didn't have anything good to say out Philly. Thanks for the help,
- Gareth A Thristan - U.K.
Dear Mr. Scagliarini, We received the green card and all the additional notices. We are very happy. Thank you so much for the amazing job,for always being there to answer every single question we had,for your support and professionalism. We appreciate your kindness and hope the best for you. Any recommendation you need, please contact us any time. All the best,
- Todd and Neli Noel, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Dear Joe, This is to thank you for the persistently professional and dedicated service you provided in the process of me obtaining my permanent residency. Along the way, you helped to ensure that work permits, travel documents, etc. were current; also during the entire process, your knowledge and skill of your profession was evident. Thanks again and much success for the future.
- O.T., Providence, Rhode Island
Dear Joe, Thank you so much for all your hard work. You've given our family new hope for the future. We hope you, Rita, and Joy have a wonderful time in Italy. Thankfully yours,
- K.L & M.M., Newport, RI
Dear Giuseppe, We would like to thank you for all your help and assistance in the past years. You helped us 3 years ago when we first moved to the United States. Your assistance made possible to get our L1 Visa and L2 Visas in a very short time. You helped Cristina with her L2 Visa work authorization in different occasions (you always returned my numerous “desperate” phone calls). And you supported us this year during the renewal process. Most of all thank you for your friendship…
- Cristina Stella and Lorenzo Biagi, Munhall, PA
Dear Joe, My employer received today the approval notice saying i've got my H-1B Visa. I'm very happy! I'm so glad things work out well, Thank you very much for all your help.
- R.R., Providence, RI
Hi Joe, I really appreciated all your attention and dedication on my case. It was pleasant working with you, I wish you the best in future cases. About the medicals, the immigration officer showed me the day of the interview some information that my doctor missed, so I told him that I could get it right away ( to avoid another appointment) , so I did, I ran to my doctor's office right after my interview, I got what I need it from her, and then I went back to the immigration office and gave it to officer personally, and he said, this it, you'll be getting your green card in a month, and guess what ,,,,, I got it 5 days after that, I was really surprised and very happy, very happy. Thank You Joe, Great Job!!!
- M.S., Pittsburgh PA
Dear Giuseppe, Thank you for the wonderful job you did in helping us acquire our E2 visas for our Chefs Gianluca and Michele. Under our particular circumstances, it was by no means an easy feat. I am sure it was one of the more difficult and impossible E2 visas to obtain, but we succeeded. Your loyalty, your commitment to the case, your everlasting patience, determination and knowledge made us stay the road... We have had a successful summer with Gianluca and Michele, and many thanks to you for that. You always have a table at Pasta Beach. Next time we need a visa, I know it will be a lot easier. With our warmest regards,
- Susie and Gianni Ropolo Owners, Pasta Beach Restaurant Newport, Rhode Island
Dear Giuseppe, I would like to thank you for the professional service offered in obtaining a permanent resident visa. Not only have you offered expert and capable guidance, but also provided considerate and careful assistance. I would strongly recommend your services to anyone for any immigration matters.
- Emanuele Mora Chief Financial Officer OTO MILLS USA, Inc. Chicago, Illinois
To whom it may concern: As a client, I've been working for several years with Mr. Scagliarini. I can truly say I've been always impressed by the precision and confidence Mr. Scagliarini demonstrated throughout the years in taking care of different visas and cases. Giuseppe helped me to obtain my green card, and always showed to me a positive attitude throughout all the process. Thank you for all the friendly help and for letting me feel always confident to have made the right choice stepping into your office. All the best,
- F.R. Newport, R.I
Dear Giuseppe, Thank you again for your work and for all your help with my green card petition... please accept my heartfelt thanks for your help, both as a friend and as a professional. I felt extremely at ease working with you at all times... Thank you for the opportunity to become a permanent resident.
- (Name Witheld)
Hi Giuseppe and Rosanna, Great News: my American Visa (permanent residence) arrived to my home. I wish to Thank you both for all your help and support during this process. I look forward to seeing you when I get to Newport in the near future. Very Best Wishes
- J. O'D., Ireland
Dear Joe, I hope you are doing great, I just wanted to thank you for your prompt services, and your professional advice. Thanks to you I was able to get my H-1B visa and a job that I like, and to earn what I deserve as a professional. All your phone calls and all your attention made me feel that I had someone working as hard as I was to get my work visa. My life has changed so much now that I have peace of mind about my financial situation; getting my job was the beginning of my life here in the United States and I know I can count on you whenever I need you, either for advice or for other professional services. I also wanted to let you know that I got my driver's license and I'll be buying a car shortly, I feel like in my own country. Thank You again and keep working hard for us, the foreigners.
- M. S., Colombia
Dear Mr. Scagliarini: Myself, but especially my life partner and my children, want to express our immeasurable gratitude for your assistance and the positive results, totally unexpected on our part, that you obtained on our behalf. I will forever remember your initial reluctance to undertake our representation (given the uncertain outcome of the case), but then believing that a positive outcome was possible we all decided to work together, and the approval of my nonimmigrant waiver followed. I wish to renew my sincerest thank you.
- F. M., Italy
Dear Mr. Scagliarini, I wanted to let you know that everything went well upon our entry into the U.S.. At the airport, it was sufficient to show (CBP) my visa paperwork and nothing else. Thank you for your careful assistance, for your availability throughout this past year, and for your precious legal advice, which in this country is truly invaluable (especially when one travels with all the family). I want to thank also your assistant Rosanna who has also shown at all times kindness and professionalism when dealing with me when you were not available. I highly recommend that anyone who is considering filing for U.S. immigration benefits contact you first, in order to avoid all sorts of unpleasant surprises.
- A.T., Rome, Italy
Dear Giuseppe, Rarely my fiancee' and I have been as happy in a professional relationship as we have been with your Law Offices and with your legal services. Your extremely detailed legal advice was what allowed us to start our new U.S. business. We consider ourselves very lucky, especially in light of the fact that another friend of ours (who did not use your legal services) was just denied admission and turned back at the border. Thank You Again,
- Mattia and Alice, Fano, Italy
I am extremely thankful for your extremely attentive and detailed and attentive legal assistance that allowed us to undertake this new project
- M.C. & A.R.
I would like to thank you for the clarity of your counsel. It is the first time, after seeking in the past the advice of several other lawyers, that I can affirm to have a clear picture about my immigration status. Thanks to the relevant information that you provided me.
- Leonardo Ratti 2009 MBA Graduate
Dear Giuseppe, Rarely my fiancee' and I have been as happy in a professional relationship as we have been with your Law Offices and with your legal services. Your extremely detailed legal advice was what allowed us to start our new U.S. business. We consider ourselves very lucky, especially in light of the fact that another friend of ours (who did not use your legal services) was just denied admission and turned back at the border. Thank You Again,
- Mattia and Alice
I read your mail with tears in my eyes...Thank you so very much.. God bless you!!! I will forever be grateful for this and will definitely be willing to do business with you again if need be,maybe for my citizenship.. Thank you once again!!